Danford Peterson is a Co-Portfolio Manager and CIO of FIO and a member of the FIO Investment Committee. Danford has 2 decades of experience on domestic infrastructure needs as a researcher, banker, structurer and investor developing solutions for billions in infrastructure projects at Goldman Sachs, PIMCO, Jefferies and FCO. Danford joined Foundation in 2014 as a Portfolio Manager for FCO. Prior to joining Foundation, Danford built and managed the Relative Value Public Finance desk at Jefferies, overseeing capital investment and risk management in both the taxable and tax-exempt public finance markets. Prior to Jefferies, Danford co-headed the public finance group at PIMCO where he was a member of the Americas Portfolio Committee, responsible for investment recommendations and strategy initiatives for their multi-billion dollar portfolio. Danford started his career at Goldman Sachs where he spent 11 years as an investment banker in public finance and, later, as a portfolio manager. Danford’s interest in infrastructure began when, as an engineering student, he collaborated with the Federal Highway Administration and Navy Research Laboratory on a smart bridge girder system. Danford received his Bachelor of Science in Physics from Bates College and his Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering Management from Dartmouth College.
Email: dpeterson@foundationcredit.com